COVEME - The Value Of Innovation


Coveme's commitment to a sustainable future is reflected in the numerous environmental and social activities carried out by the company. Within the production activity, particular attention is paid to central themes such as: the implementation of production processes designed to limit emissions and consumption, the development of eco-sustainable, recycled and recyclable products, and the feasibility study of a closed loop recycling project (i.e. circular economy) that the company is carrying out together with scientific and industrial partners.
Educational programs, sports sponsorships and donations to charities both nationally and internationally complete the picture of a long-lasting and constant social commitment by Coveme.
The company is certified ISO 14001: 2015 for environmental management, an important certification that testifies to the awareness of wanting and being able to contribute to a model of sustainable growth, which places the environmental issue at the centre. Coveme also obtained the Ecovadis rating, a platform that evaluates the sustainability performance of companies, receiving the silver medal and the Ecomate rating, which certifies the solidity of the company from the point of view of environmental, social and governance aspects.
In 2023 Coveme finally completed its first sustainability report and calculated the company's Carbon Footprint (CFP) according to the GHG Protocol, scopes 1,2,3.

Download Sustainability report

Coveme is ISO 14001: 2015 certified for environmental management since 2012 and ISO 45001:2023 certified for occupational health and safety, wheras in 2021 it received the Bronze Medal of the Ecovadis rating and the Ecomate rating, platforms that evaluate the solidity of society from an environmental, social and governance point of view.
The company also published its first Sustainability Report in 2023 and calculated the organizational Carbon Footprint according to the GHG Protocol, purposes 1,2,3. Since 2024 it has implemented a Strategic Decarbonization Plan for the entire group.



In 2012 the company adopted the international standard ISO 14001 which establishes the requirements for an environmental management system. For Coveme, the voluntary adoption of an environmental management system means committing itself to reducing its impacts, paying attention to the consumption of natural resources and improving its environmental performance in compliance with legal requirements.

This is a strategic choice for Coveme, which is aware of the value and importance of being able to contribute to a sustainable growth model that places the environmental issue at the center.

Coveme, by pursuing the environmental management policy of ISO 14001, participates in the achievement of some of the objectives in the UN Agenda 2030 for sustainable development, more precisely Goals 7,8,9,12,13.

 Download PDF Certificate




The continuous attention in guaranteeing adequate working conditions in terms of health and well-being has led Coveme to obtain the ISO 45001 certification. This standard  with its systemic approach guides the company in risk management, in managing legislative compliance, the diffusion of increasingly safe work practices, and in the assessment of workers' health.

Coveme, by promoting the occupational health and safety policy of ISO 45001, participates in the achievement of some of the objectives in the UN Agenda 2030 for sustainable development that are Goals 3 and 8.

 Download pdf Certificate

The UN Agenda 2030

The UN Agenda 2030

The UN Agenda 2030 is an action program for people, the planet and prosperity signed in September 2015 by the governments of the 193 UN member countries and incorporates 17 different objectives for Sustainable Development, the Sustainable Development Goals, short SDGs.

The official launch of the Sustainable Development Goals was at the beginning of 2016, and these goals have the task of guiding the world over the next 15 years with the aim to help the  countries involved in their achievement by 2030


In 2024 Coveme received the bronze medal from the Ecovadis rating, a platform that evaluates the sustainability performance of companies which places the company in the highest 82nd percentile of the market. Coveme's overall score was 63/100, which is 35% higher than the industry average. This is a great achievement for the  Coveme team.

The rating is based on the main international sustainability standards that take into account the sector, size and geographical location of the company.
The score takes into account the policies adopted, the actions taken and the results obtained by Coveme with respect to 21 sustainability criteria collected in four macro-areas: environment, work practices and human rights, ethics and sustainable purchases.

To download the certificate click here


The results obtained in recent years and the desire to do better and better testify to Coveme's constant commitment to the issues of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and led the company, firstly to the drafting of the group's first Sustainability Report and, subsequently, to the calculation of the Organizational Carbon Footprint of the entire Coveme group, according to the GHG Protocol (scopes 1,2,3).

In the near future, based on the data collected from the analysis carried out, the company will continue the implementation of the medium and long-term Strategic Decarbonization Plan in which the various actions to be implemented in the different company areas will be identified.

As a manufacturing reality, our major investments are aimed at production capacity and the efficiency of the production process. Concentrating investments on innovative production technologies with low environmental impact, as well as on the well-being and professional development of our employees, it means carrying forward a business model that is not only profitable but also sustainable in future years.



99 KW: energy output


154 KW: energy output


Coveme is working in partnership with customers and suppliers to offer the market eco-friendly products and to contribute to a circular economy and "Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)" process:

  • GREEN PRODUCTS: a range of products based on polyester film with coatings free of chromium, formaldehyde and phthalates free coatings. The coating technology developed by Coveme features an innovative solvent-free curing system for an eco-friendly production process and coated end product.

  • RECYCLED PRODUCTS: in collaboration with its suppliers Coveme has developed a revolutionary range of products based on polyester film composed up to 90%  recycled polyester (rPET), with the aim of reaching a 100% rPet content. This rPET has the same mechanical and chemical, shrinkage and transparency properties as virgin PET, and therefore the final product features the same characteristics and guaranteed performance as Coveme's standard products.

  • CIRCULAR ECONOMY: in partnership with its suppliers and industry partners  Coveme is creating a closed loop recycling scheme to recover its own and its customers' waste, then recycle it through Monomer recycling, with the possibility of upcycling, in order to finally convert it back into polyester film (rPET) as a raw material for Coveme products.

  • LCA: in cooperation with commercial partners, scientific and governmental bodies Coveme is supporting and promoting the themes of “Life Cycle Assessment” (LCA) and “End of life (EOL)” through publications, dedicated workgroups and research projects.

    Coveme promoted the study of the Carbon Footprint through the LCA (life cycle assessment) analysis of two products representative of the range offered to the market. A backsheet film for solar panels and a Kemafoil® film for various industrial uses.
    These analyzes were carried out by the Politecnico di Milano and by Gesteco, a company that develops integrated solutions for the environment.

    Click here to see the LCA study of solar module backsheet film
    Click here to see the LCA study of Kemafoil® film for different industrial uses.

    To learn more about specific Green and recycled products, click:
    Transfer release sustainable products
    Photovoltaic sustainable product



  • We differentiate and recycle almost 50% of the waste from the production activity in both plants.
  • Both in the Gorizia plant and in the Bologna headquarters we produce renewable energy for self-consumption thanks to installed solar panels. In Bologna this covers 100% of our energy need.
  • We have a system for the collection and treatment of harmful fumes coming out of the production converting them into 100% clean emissions with zero pollution for the environment.
  • We are equipped with treatment system for water coming from the industrial processes which is stored in special silos and then disposed of by specialized and authorized companies.
  • Coveme's post-combustion systems are designed to make part of an autothermal process reducing methane gas consumption to zero.
  • A regenerative thermo oxidizer has been installed in our Chinese production site. This virtuous system captures the heat from the exhaust gases, converts the solvent into carbon dioxide and water and generates a recovery of thermal energy
  • Both production sites have special systems installed to treat solvents used in production. 75% of the solvents are regenerated to be reused in production and 25% of these are disposed of.
  • To make it easier for our clients to identify each packaging material and its correct disposal options we are implementing a QR code on each outgoing material, that contains all necessary information. Click here to see the document.


    • We differentiate and recycle almost 90% of office waste both in Italy and in China.
    • Recovery and reuse of packaging, encaps and cores, which are collected from our customers and reused in future supplies.
    • We have replaced all disposable consumables with recycled and recyclable materials (paper or wood) or with reusable materials (glass).
    • In our exhibition stands we decided to employ reusable and reciclable modular systems.This means a reduction to almost zero of single use materials in our tradeshow presences. To know more click here.
    • All Coveme staff is given a thermal bottle to encourage the use of filtered water and not in plastic bottles.
    • To balance the carbon footprint on the occasion of the opening of the Chinese Coveme plant, the company participated in the "Million tree project".



    Coveme contributes with regular donations to help various charities and voluntary organizations, both within Africa and Italy area.
    • Save the Children: an international ONG that operates in 125 countries and works to promote and protect the rights of children and teenagers. In particular, in 2024 Coveme contributes to opening a second surface well in Uganda and providing clean water to the local community.
    • James non morirà: Italian foundation active in Ethiopia since 2002 and with the aim to help orphaned children, children in difficult situations. as well as poor and marginalized women. Each year Coveme is involved in specific projects according to the needs present in the village of Adwa in Ethiopia. 
      ONG Shishu Prem Samaj: a non-governmental organization based in Mumbai since 1984 to help the children in need. The Organization formed for rendering Medical and Surgical Rehabilitation of leprosy patients, gradually as per the community’s need, started vocational and educational programs to rehabilitate the patients and their family members. The Coveme team has been visiting the facility regularly for a few years now, spending a day with the children and the organisation's volunteers.
    • Lilt: Italian League for Cancer Research.
    • Maternal Aid Luisa Valentini: Onlus operating in the Faenza area that assists families with small children.
    • Dishub: Bologna non-profit organization located within the hospital “Ospedale Maggiore” in the neonatology and pediatric departments that looks after disabled children and their families.


    • BSL Basket: since 2022, Coveme has supported the BLS Basket San Lazzaro sports club in Bologna, accompanying it in the growth and sports education of young athletes in the area.
    • TELETHON Cormons: Coveme since 2021 participates with its team in the non-competitive Telethon race in Cormons, Friuli, in favor of rare genetic diseases research.
    • To the Juventina amateur sports association, S Andrea di Gorizia football team.



    • La Città dei Ragazzi” of Mola di Bari: Coveme, starting from 2020, participates in the youth support of children and children who suffer from both moral and educational poverty to help with education and constructive inputs to give them future prospects for change.
    • To the association Skultura 2001: since 2016 Coveme contributes to the spreading of local culture and specialties by supporting the educational institutions present in Gorizia.
    • To the S Andrea kindergarten and primary school: since 2000 Coveme contributes to enrich the learning equipment by improving the school's educational offer.

    In 2023, Coveme decided to draw up its first sustainability report driven by the awareness that today sustainability has become a central element for the success of a company.
    The sustainability report is important because it offers a complete picture of a company's activities and performance, paying attention to the balance of economic, social and environmental aspects in order to create long-term value for the company and for future generations.
    Coveme was accompanied on this journey by Hidra, a benefit company, specialized in consultancy for sustainable strategic innovation.

    Why Coveme decided to draw up the sustainability report:

    • Promotion of transparency and responsibility
      Through the drafting of the sustainability report, Coveme demonstrates a commitment to social and environmental responsibility and thus contributes to building a relationship of trust with all interested parties.
    • Reduction of environmental impacts
      Through monitoring and evaluating its environmental impacts, Coveme can identify opportunities to reduce resource consumption, pollution and other negative effects on the ecosystem while preserving the planet for future generations.
    • Contribution to social well-being
      Coveme, by showing the social initiatives undertaken, such as supporting local communities and promoting equity and inclusion, contributes to the well-being of people in the areas in which the company operates.
    Why Coveme decided to draw up the sustainability report:

    • Preserve the well-being of future generations
      Sustainable actions taken today will directly influence the quality of life of future generations. By promoting the sustainable use of resources and reducing emissions where possible, Coveme helps ensure a healthier and more sustainable future for future generations.
    • Increase business efficiency
      Attention to sustainability often leads to a more efficient use of resources, reduction of waste and operating costs. This translates not only into an advantage for the environment but also into an advantage, in terms of costs, for Coveme.
    • Creating a virtuous circle
      Coveme, demonstrating a commitment to sustainability, attracts partners who share the same principles with the aim of creating a virtuous circle along the entire value chain, upstream and downstream, of the company's activity.

    This can also translate into competitive advantages and new growth opportunities for the company.

    We hope that you too will join us in this journey!

    Download Sustainability Report 2022

    Company carbon footprint

    In the context of corporate sustainability, the calculation of the Carbon Footprint (CFP) is linked to the measurement of greenhouse gas emissions (CO2) generated by the organization through a shared international standard (GHG Protocol).

    The GHG Protocol, born in 1997, was developed to provide a tool for the accounting and reporting of greenhouse gas (CO2) emissions by companies and organizations and provides methodological guidance on how to measure emissions in 3 different scopes or areas :

    • Scope 1: includes all the company's direct emissions
    • Scope 2: includes indirect emissions associated with the purchase of electricity
    • Scope 3: includes all indirect emissions that occur along the company's value chain, both upstream and downstream of the organization.

    From the measurement of emissions (CO2) of the Coveme group, according to the GHG Protocol, it emerged that in 2023 the emissions deriving from scopes 1 and 2 represent 11%, while those deriving from scope 3 represent 89% of the total. Within scope 3 the most significant item concerns the purchase of raw material, i.e. polyester film.
    Coveme, which already offers a range of recycled PET (rPET), will focus on the next years on this topic by pushing the offer of eco-sustainable materials.



    From the measurement of emissions (CO2) of the Coveme group, according to the GHG Protocol, it emerged that in 2023 the emissions deriving from scopes 1 and 2 represent 11%, while those deriving from scope 3 represent 89% of the total.
    It should be considered that scope 3 almost always represents the most important part of a company's emissions. In the case of Coveme, 92% of scope 3 emissions are represented by the purchase of raw materials, in particular polyester film.



    CFP (Carbon Footprint of a Product) is the sum of greenhouse gas emissions and removals in a product system, expressed as CO2 equivalents and based on a life cycle assessment using the single climate change impact category.

    At the Coveme group level, the guidelines of the greenhouse gas (GHG) protocol were followed, which consist of the quantification and categorization of indirect and direct emissions.

    During 2023 we quantified the annual greenhouse gas emissions at the level of the Coveme organization group, they were 140.070 tonnes of CO2 equivalent.

    • The direct emissions and absorptions of greenhouse gases included in Scope 1, according to the ISO 14064-1 standard, are 9,313 tCO2e.
    • The indirect emissions of imported energy, corresponding to Scope 2, are equal to 6,225 tCO2e. 
    • Scope 3 indirect emissions include all indirect emissions that occur along the company's value chain, both upstream and downstream of the organization and are equal to 125,884 tCO2e.


    During the analysis carried out, all the direct and indirect sources of emissions generated by the company were mapped and measured and thanks to this classification Coveme can now decide which actions to take to try to reduce its emissions.

    As a next step, Coveme will draw up a medium and long-term Strategic Sustainability Plan in which the various actions to be implemented in the coming years in the various company areas will be identified.

    Coveme is ISO 14001: 2015 certified for environmental management since 2012 and ISO 45001:2023 certified for occupational health and safety, wheras in 2021 it received the Bronze Medal of the Ecovadis rating and the Ecomate rating, platforms that evaluate the solidity of society from an environmental, social and governance point of view.
    The company also published its first Sustainability Report in 2023 and calculated the organizational Carbon Footprint according to the GHG Protocol, purposes 1,2,3. Since 2024 it has implemented a Strategic Decarbonization Plan for the entire group.

    ISO 14001:2015 CERTIFICATION


    In 2012 the company adopted the international standard ISO 14001 which establishes the requirements for an environmental management system. For Coveme, the voluntary adoption of an environmental management system means committing itself to reducing its impacts, paying attention to the consumption of natural resources and improving its environmental performance in compliance with legal requirements.

    This is a strategic choice for Coveme, which is aware of the value and importance of being able to contribute to a sustainable growth model that places the environmental issue at the center.

    Coveme, by pursuing the environmental management policy of ISO 14001, participates in the achievement of some of the objectives in the UN Agenda 2030 for sustainable development, more precisely Goals 7,8,9,12,13.

     Download PDF Certificate

    ISO 14001:2015 CERTIFICATION

    ISO 45001:2023 CERTIFICATION


    The continuous attention in guaranteeing adequate working conditions in terms of health and well-being has led Coveme to obtain the ISO 45001 certification. This standard  with its systemic approach guides the company in risk management, in managing legislative compliance, the diffusion of increasingly safe work practices, and in the assessment of workers' health.

    Coveme, by promoting the occupational health and safety policy of ISO 45001, participates in the achievement of some of the objectives in the UN Agenda 2030 for sustainable development that are Goals 3 and 8.

     Download pdf Certificate

    ISO 45001:2023 CERTIFICATION
    The UN Agenda 2030

    The UN Agenda 2030

    The UN Agenda 2030 is an action program for people, the planet and prosperity signed in September 2015 by the governments of the 193 UN member countries and incorporates 17 different objectives for Sustainable Development, the Sustainable Development Goals, short SDGs.

    The official launch of the Sustainable Development Goals was at the beginning of 2016, and these goals have the task of guiding the world over the next 15 years with the aim to help the  countries involved in their achievement by 2030


    In 2024 Coveme received the bronze medal from the Ecovadis rating, a platform that evaluates the sustainability performance of companies which places the company in the highest 82nd percentile of the market. Coveme's overall score was 63/100, which is 35% higher than the industry average. This is a great achievement for the  Coveme team.

    The rating is based on the main international sustainability standards that take into account the sector, size and geographical location of the company.
    The score takes into account the policies adopted, the actions taken and the results obtained by Coveme with respect to 21 sustainability criteria collected in four macro-areas: environment, work practices and human rights, ethics and sustainable purchases.

    To download the certificate click here


    The results obtained in recent years and the desire to do better and better testify to Coveme's constant commitment to the issues of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and led the company, firstly to the drafting of the group's first Sustainability Report and, subsequently, to the calculation of the Organizational Carbon Footprint of the entire Coveme group, according to the GHG Protocol (scopes 1,2,3).

    In the near future, based on the data collected from the analysis carried out, the company will continue the implementation of the medium and long-term Strategic Decarbonization Plan in which the various actions to be implemented in the different company areas will be identified.

    As a manufacturing reality, our major investments are aimed at production capacity and the efficiency of the production process. Concentrating investments on innovative production technologies with low environmental impact, as well as on the well-being and professional development of our employees, it means carrying forward a business model that is not only profitable but also sustainable in future years.


    In 2023, Coveme decided to draw up its first sustainability report driven by the awareness that today sustainability has become a central element for the success of a company.
    The sustainability report is important because it offers a complete picture of a company's activities and performance, paying attention to the balance of economic, social and environmental aspects in order to create long-term value for the company and for future generations.
    Coveme was accompanied on this journey by Hidra, a benefit company, specialized in consultancy for sustainable strategic innovation.

    Why Coveme decided to draw up the sustainability report:

    • Promotion of transparency and responsibility
      Through the drafting of the sustainability report, Coveme demonstrates a commitment to social and environmental responsibility and thus contributes to building a relationship of trust with all interested parties.
    • Reduction of environmental impacts
      Through monitoring and evaluating its environmental impacts, Coveme can identify opportunities to reduce resource consumption, pollution and other negative effects on the ecosystem while preserving the planet for future generations.
    • Contribution to social well-being
      Coveme, by showing the social initiatives undertaken, such as supporting local communities and promoting equity and inclusion, contributes to the well-being of people in the areas in which the company operates.
    Why Coveme decided to draw up the sustainability report:

    • Preserve the well-being of future generations
      Sustainable actions taken today will directly influence the quality of life of future generations. By promoting the sustainable use of resources and reducing emissions where possible, Coveme helps ensure a healthier and more sustainable future for future generations.
    • Increase business efficiency
      Attention to sustainability often leads to a more efficient use of resources, reduction of waste and operating costs. This translates not only into an advantage for the environment but also into an advantage, in terms of costs, for Coveme.
    • Creating a virtuous circle
      Coveme, demonstrating a commitment to sustainability, attracts partners who share the same principles with the aim of creating a virtuous circle along the entire value chain, upstream and downstream, of the company's activity.

    This can also translate into competitive advantages and new growth opportunities for the company.

    We hope that you too will join us in this journey!

    Download Sustainability Report 2022

    Company carbon footprint

    In the context of corporate sustainability, the calculation of the Carbon Footprint (CFP) is linked to the measurement of greenhouse gas emissions (CO2) generated by the organization through a shared international standard (GHG Protocol).

    The GHG Protocol, born in 1997, was developed to provide a tool for the accounting and reporting of greenhouse gas (CO2) emissions by companies and organizations and provides methodological guidance on how to measure emissions in 3 different scopes or areas :

    • Scope 1: includes all the company's direct emissions
    • Scope 2: includes indirect emissions associated with the purchase of electricity
    • Scope 3: includes all indirect emissions that occur along the company's value chain, both upstream and downstream of the organization.

    From the measurement of emissions (CO2) of the Coveme group, according to the GHG Protocol, it emerged that in 2023 the emissions deriving from scopes 1 and 2 represent 11%, while those deriving from scope 3 represent 89% of the total. Within scope 3 the most significant item concerns the purchase of raw material, i.e. polyester film.
    Coveme, which already offers a range of recycled PET (rPET), will focus on the next years on this topic by pushing the offer of eco-sustainable materials.


    From the measurement of emissions (CO2) of the Coveme group, according to the GHG Protocol, it emerged that in 2023 the emissions deriving from scopes 1 and 2 represent 11%, while those deriving from scope 3 represent 89% of the total.
    It should be considered that scope 3 almost always represents the most important part of a company's emissions. In the case of Coveme, 92% of scope 3 emissions are represented by the purchase of raw materials, in particular polyester film.



    CFP (Carbon Footprint of a Product) is the sum of greenhouse gas emissions and removals in a product system, expressed as CO2 equivalents and based on a life cycle assessment using the single climate change impact category.

    At the Coveme group level, the guidelines of the greenhouse gas (GHG) protocol were followed, which consist of the quantification and categorization of indirect and direct emissions.

    During 2023 we quantified the annual greenhouse gas emissions at the level of the Coveme organization group, they were 140.070 tonnes of CO2 equivalent.

    • The direct emissions and absorptions of greenhouse gases included in Scope 1, according to the ISO 14064-1 standard, are 9,313 tCO2e.
    • The indirect emissions of imported energy, corresponding to Scope 2, are equal to 6,225 tCO2e. 
    • Scope 3 indirect emissions include all indirect emissions that occur along the company's value chain, both upstream and downstream of the organization and are equal to 125,884 tCO2e.


    During the analysis carried out, all the direct and indirect sources of emissions generated by the company were mapped and measured and thanks to this classification Coveme can now decide which actions to take to try to reduce its emissions.

    As a next step, Coveme will draw up a medium and long-term Strategic Sustainability Plan in which the various actions to be implemented in the coming years in the various company areas will be identified.



    99 KW: energy output


    154 KW: energy output


    Coveme is working in partnership with customers and suppliers to offer the market eco-friendly products and to contribute to a circular economy and "Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)" process:

    • GREEN PRODUCTS: a range of products based on polyester film with coatings free of chromium, formaldehyde and phthalates free coatings. The coating technology developed by Coveme features an innovative solvent-free curing system for an eco-friendly production process and coated end product.

    • RECYCLED PRODUCTS: in collaboration with its suppliers Coveme has developed a revolutionary range of products based on polyester film composed up to 90%  recycled polyester (rPET), with the aim of reaching a 100% rPet content. This rPET has the same mechanical and chemical, shrinkage and transparency properties as virgin PET, and therefore the final product features the same characteristics and guaranteed performance as Coveme's standard products.

    • CIRCULAR ECONOMY: in partnership with its suppliers and industry partners  Coveme is creating a closed loop recycling scheme to recover its own and its customers' waste, then recycle it through Monomer recycling, with the possibility of upcycling, in order to finally convert it back into polyester film (rPET) as a raw material for Coveme products.

    • LCA: in cooperation with commercial partners, scientific and governmental bodies Coveme is supporting and promoting the themes of “Life Cycle Assessment” (LCA) and “End of life (EOL)” through publications, dedicated workgroups and research projects.

      Coveme promoted the study of the Carbon Footprint through the LCA (life cycle assessment) analysis of two products representative of the range offered to the market. A backsheet film for solar panels and a Kemafoil® film for various industrial uses.
      These analyzes were carried out by the Politecnico di Milano and by Gesteco, a company that develops integrated solutions for the environment.

      Click here to see the LCA study of solar module backsheet film
      Click here to see the LCA study of Kemafoil® film for different industrial uses.

      To learn more about specific Green and recycled products, click:
      Transfer release sustainable products
      Photovoltaic sustainable product



    • We differentiate and recycle almost 50% of the waste from the production activity in both plants.
    • Both in the Gorizia plant and in the Bologna headquarters we produce renewable energy for self-consumption thanks to installed solar panels. In Bologna this covers 100% of our energy need.
    • We have a system for the collection and treatment of harmful fumes coming out of the production converting them into 100% clean emissions with zero pollution for the environment.
    • We are equipped with treatment system for water coming from the industrial processes which is stored in special silos and then disposed of by specialized and authorized companies.
    • Coveme's post-combustion systems are designed to make part of an autothermal process reducing methane gas consumption to zero.
    • A regenerative thermo oxidizer has been installed in our Chinese production site. This virtuous system captures the heat from the exhaust gases, converts the solvent into carbon dioxide and water and generates a recovery of thermal energy
    • Both production sites have special systems installed to treat solvents used in production. 75% of the solvents are regenerated to be reused in production and 25% of these are disposed of.
    • To make it easier for our clients to identify each packaging material and its correct disposal options we are implementing a QR code on each outgoing material, that contains all necessary information. Click here to see the document.


      • We differentiate and recycle almost 90% of office waste both in Italy and in China.
      • Recovery and reuse of packaging, encaps and cores, which are collected from our customers and reused in future supplies.
      • We have replaced all disposable consumables with recycled and recyclable materials (paper or wood) or with reusable materials (glass).
      • In our exhibition stands we decided to employ reusable and reciclable modular systems.This means a reduction to almost zero of single use materials in our tradeshow presences. To know more click here.
      • All Coveme staff is given a thermal bottle to encourage the use of filtered water and not in plastic bottles.
      • To balance the carbon footprint on the occasion of the opening of the Chinese Coveme plant, the company participated in the "Million tree project".



      Coveme contributes with regular donations to help various charities and voluntary organizations, both within Africa and Italy area.
      • Save the Children: an international ONG that operates in 125 countries and works to promote and protect the rights of children and teenagers. In particular, in 2024 Coveme contributes to opening a second surface well in Uganda and providing clean water to the local community.
      • James non morirà: Italian foundation active in Ethiopia since 2002 and with the aim to help orphaned children, children in difficult situations. as well as poor and marginalized women. Each year Coveme is involved in specific projects according to the needs present in the village of Adwa in Ethiopia. 
        ONG Shishu Prem Samaj: a non-governmental organization based in Mumbai since 1984 to help the children in need. The Organization formed for rendering Medical and Surgical Rehabilitation of leprosy patients, gradually as per the community’s need, started vocational and educational programs to rehabilitate the patients and their family members. The Coveme team has been visiting the facility regularly for a few years now, spending a day with the children and the organisation's volunteers.
      • Lilt: Italian League for Cancer Research.
      • Maternal Aid Luisa Valentini: Onlus operating in the Faenza area that assists families with small children.
      • Dishub: Bologna non-profit organization located within the hospital “Ospedale Maggiore” in the neonatology and pediatric departments that looks after disabled children and their families.


      • BSL Basket: since 2022, Coveme has supported the BLS Basket San Lazzaro sports club in Bologna, accompanying it in the growth and sports education of young athletes in the area.
      • TELETHON Cormons: Coveme since 2021 participates with its team in the non-competitive Telethon race in Cormons, Friuli, in favor of rare genetic diseases research.
      • To the Juventina amateur sports association, S Andrea di Gorizia football team.



      • La Città dei Ragazzi” of Mola di Bari: Coveme, starting from 2020, participates in the youth support of children and children who suffer from both moral and educational poverty to help with education and constructive inputs to give them future prospects for change.
      • To the association Skultura 2001: since 2016 Coveme contributes to the spreading of local culture and specialties by supporting the educational institutions present in Gorizia.
      • To the S Andrea kindergarten and primary school: since 2000 Coveme contributes to enrich the learning equipment by improving the school's educational offer.